Home US Immigration Biden’s Boss Tightens the Screws

Biden’s Boss Tightens the Screws

Biden’s Boss Tightens the Screws


Yes. He simply did that. He went there.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was so supremely assured that his thumb on the dimensions can tip the U.S. presidential election that he simply issued a money demand to President Biden together with a menace: give me cash or Donald Trump wins. The spectacle, shameful for all events, performed out on the grand stage of CBS’s 60 Minutes Sunday broadcast.

As my guide Overrun reveals, Biden launched and nurtured a mass immigration disaster for 3 straight years. The knock-on results of this debacle are actually being felt everywhere in the nation, and never simply in conservative enclaves. Nowadays, Biden’s immigration coverage registers as so deeply unpopular with the American people who López Obrador supplied the outdated “silver-or-lead” choice to the Biden marketing campaign on nationwide tv.

If President Biden needs his mass migration disaster to recede from public view earlier than the election, López Obrador will sluggish the circulation of migrants—for the ripe worth of a $20 billion down fee. This money can be despatched beneath the paper-thin cowl of the debunked “root causes” idea of mass migration, which proposes that cash from the vacation spot nation can rebuild international locations producing outmigration in order that their residents need to keep.

And if the U.S. incumbent doesn’t pay the requested $20 billion a 12 months for root causes—“then what?” requested interviewer Sharyn Alfonsi.

“The circulation of migrants…will proceed,” the president responded merely with a smile worthy of a mafia don.

. . .

[Read the rest at The American Mind.]



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